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todayJune 14, 2024

Cyber security + Email izaul272

Business Email Compromise (BEC)

Business email compromise (BEC) is a category of cybercrime where malicious actors try to manipulate or compromise email accounts within an organization usually trying to gain access to sensitive information or social engineer someone to transfer money. Common examples: One example is Spear Phishing, this is where the malicious actor [...]

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In the past few years we’ve seen a 239% increase in hacking-related data breaches between January 1, 2018, and September 30, 2023,  compromising 230.8 million records in 2021-2023 alone. HIPPA Journal

An organizations reputation is the primary driver for customers, and many are choosing to not do business with companies when a data breach occurs. Regulatory bodies have passed laws in the past few years, to safeguard individuals data because of this concern. On top of that cyber insurance, contractual agreements and partnership agreements are also requiring stronger protections on critical data.

Keep a healthy cybersecurity posture

Secure Defense’s end-to-end cybersecurity portfolio, helps your business reduce risk, adhere to regulatory compliance, and increase customer confidence.


The amount of patient data hospitals store could be costly in the wrong hands. Secure Defense Cyber  bridges the gap between technology and expertise to assist in adhering to regulatory requirements.

Allow us to secure your devices, data, patients, and staff from internal and external threats like data destruction, business email compromise, and social engineering.


Hospitals and healthcare facilities of today are comprised of innovative, life-saving technologies and devices such as defibrillators, X-Ray, and heart-rate monitors. These devices may not hold any patient information, but these IP-enabled devices widen the total attack surface. Every device is an entry point for a threat actor and they may use medical technologies as an entry point to gain access to medical records. SD Cyber provides you with the visibility to stop real-time threats in their tracks.


Malicious actors have many reason why they target industries, but for the healthcare industry it is primarily focused on the data. Healthcare providers maintain a tremendous amount of data about staff, patients, and financial. Some of which are life threatening, if not maintain securely and accessible at all times.

On top of that the healthcare industry faces some of the most rigid regulatory requires of any industry. Between HIPPA, PCI-DSS, and others. We are your trusted partner in maintaining compliance and the security of your data, with our end-to-end cybersecurity solution.

What's Next?

Are you interested in learning more? Reach out to us and lets talk about how we help to reduce your organizations cybersecurity and regulatory risk.

Our Services

We focus on your organizations cyber security risk, reducing the burden of Cyber Security.

Why organizations choose Secure Defense Cyber Security

check Excellent Customer Experiences

check Proactive Services

check Flexibility to Meet Client Requirements

check End-to-End Solutions

check Cybersecurity aligned to Business Goals

check Cloud First Strategy

check Less Downtime

check Industry Certified

check Small business helping small business

check Excellent Customer Service

check Fast Response Times

check Cyber Security Expertise


Because You Are in Good Hands

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